Stewart County Schools 2022-2023 School Board

Mr. Darius Brown
School Board Chair
My name is Darius Brown and I’ve served on the Stewart county board of education for 4 years. I’m born and raised in Richland where I still live. I’m married to my lovely wife Shunta Brown who is a sheriff’s deputy in the county and all of our kids are enrolled in Stewart County from high school to elementary. I love Stewart County and I’ve always had a heart to help children in any way that I can.

Mrs. Kesha Nelson
School Board Member
Mrs. Kesha Nelson is a native of Wrightsville, Georgia. She presently lives in Omaha. She works at Magnolia Manor. Mrs. Nelson has three children. Two graduated from the district while her youngest daughter is currently enrolled at Stewart County High School. Mrs. Nelson has been on the Stewart County School Board for 8 years and has been married for over 23 years. Mrs. Nelson decided to become a school board member because she wants to make a difference in the lives of children.

Mr. Austin Taylor
School Board Member
Mr. Austin Taylor lives in Louvale. He has served on the Stewart County Board of Education since 1997.
Mr. Taylor is a retired truck driver. He is a member of the Mount Gilead Baptist Church, where he serves as vice chair of the Deacon Board. Mr. Taylor has six children and eight grandchildren. Mr. Taylor enjoys working in his garden and serving the citizens of Stewart County. He ran for the board because he wants to make a difference.

Ms. Maslyn Tarver
New Board Member

Ms. Thereatha Redding
School Board Member
Ms. Redding has served on the board for fourteen years. She has served as the Chair and Vice Chair of the Stewart County Board of Education. She has worked for DFACS and she presently works as a Human Resource Consultant. She is a member of Mount Gilead Baptist Church. She is extremely passionate about her service to the children of Stewart County Schools.